February 25, 2010
Leah Dizon
莉亞·迪桑(日语:リア・ディゾン,全名リア・ドナ・ディゾン,英语:Leah Dizon,1986年9月24日-)是一位模特兒和歌手,生於美國拉斯維加斯。她有中國、菲律賓、法國和美國的血統(父亲是華裔-菲律賓籍,母亲是法裔-美籍)。她有倆個哥哥,一個姐姐和倆個弟弟。她是家中六人兄弟中的次女。 2008年10月14日,她在舞台上宣布已經懷孕四個月,並與其私人造型師結婚。現已是一女之母。
她在美國時已經常成為汽車雜誌的女模特兒。迪桑接受了朋友們的建議,於2006年4月正式到日本發展。同年十月,她推出首本寫真《Petite Amie》(意即法語的「女朋友」)。
2007年日本Victor Entertainment正式簽下莉亞的唱片合約成為東洋歌手,並於情人節當天(2月14日)推出首張單曲《Softly》以及個人第2本寫真集【ハロリア!Hello!Leah】。台灣環球音樂也於6月間簽下台灣的代理權,正式發行代理莉亞的台壓版唱片,也是日本境外唯一的正式授權的代理公司。
2007年11月7日將於日本東京的Shibuya O-East會館舉辦首次個人演唱會【Leah Dizon 1st Live 「Destiny Line」】。

她在美國時已經常成為汽車雜誌的女模特兒。迪桑接受了朋友們的建議,於2006年4月正式到日本發展。同年十月,她推出首本寫真《Petite Amie》(意即法語的「女朋友」)。
2007年日本Victor Entertainment正式簽下莉亞的唱片合約成為東洋歌手,並於情人節當天(2月14日)推出首張單曲《Softly》以及個人第2本寫真集【ハロリア!Hello!Leah】。台灣環球音樂也於6月間簽下台灣的代理權,正式發行代理莉亞的台壓版唱片,也是日本境外唯一的正式授權的代理公司。
2007年11月7日將於日本東京的Shibuya O-East會館舉辦首次個人演唱會【Leah Dizon 1st Live 「Destiny Line」】。

Las Ketchup
Las Ketchup is a Latin Grammy Award nominated 4-girl group composed of sisters Lola, Pilar, Lucía, and Rocío Muñoz from Córdoba in Andalucia, Spain. They are the daughters of Juan Muñoz, a flamenco guitarist known as El Tomate (The Tomato). Before Rocío's addition to the group in 2006, the other three girls had success with their worldwide hit "Aserejé", also known as "The Ketchup Song".
Lady GaGa
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (born March 28, 1986), better known by her stage name Lady Gaga, is an American recording artist. She began performing in the rock music scene of New York City's Lower East Side. She soon signed with Streamline Records, an imprint of Interscope Records, upon its establishment in 2007. During her early time at Interscope, she worked as a songwriter for fellow label artists and captured the attention of Akon, who recognized her vocal abilities, and had her also sign to his own label, Kon Live Distribution.
Her debut album, The Fame, was released on August 19, 2008. In addition to receiving generally positive reviews, it reached number-one in Canada, Austria, Germany, and Ireland and topped the Billboard Top Electronic Albums chart. Its first two singles, "Just Dance" and "Poker Face", co-written and co-produced with RedOne, became international number-one hits, topping the Hot 100 in The United States as well as other countries. The album later earned a total of six Grammy Award nominations and won awards for Best Electronic/Dance Album and Best Dance Recording. In early 2009, after having opened for New Kids on the Block and the Pussycat Dolls, she embarked on her first headlining tour, The Fame Ball Tour. By the fourth quarter of 2009, she released her second studio album The Fame Monster, with the global chart-topping lead single "Bad Romance", as well as having embarked on her second headlining tour of the year, The Monster Ball Tour.
Lady Gaga is inspired by glam rock musicians such as David Bowie and Freddie Mercury, as well as pop music artists such as Madonna and Michael Jackson. She has also stated fashion is a source of inspiration for her songwriting and performances. To date, she has sold over eight million albums and fourteen million singles digitally worldwide.


Kyoko Fukada 深田恭子
February 20, 2010
Kristina Train
Kristina Train (born January 17, 1982) is an American pop/soul singer and songwriter.Although born in New York City, Kristina Train was raised in Savannah, Georgia. She sang in church and school choirs growing up, which had a profound effect on her music.
Train began singing and playing violin professionally in 1999 with The Looters, a band also known for backing European musicians Rosa King and Saskia Laroo on tours of the US. She also performed with "Rosa King and The Looters" for several showcases in Georgia before Rosa's death in 2000.
In 2001 Train played a showcase in New York City for Blue Note Records. Legendary music industry executives Bruce Lundvall and Arif Mardin offered Train a development deal, but Kristina Train's mother insisted her daughter go to college first. Train listened to her mother and attended college in Athens, Georgia. After college she recorded her debut album, Spilt Milk, for Blue Note Records.
Kris Allen
Kristopher Neil "Kris" Allen (born June 21, 1985) is an American singer-songwriter from Conway, Arkansas, and the winner of the eighth season of American Idol. Prior to Idol, he self-released a 2007 album entitled Brand New Shoes.
Allen's Idol coronation song, "No Boundaries" and his version of "Heartless" both charted within the Top 20 of the Billboard Hot 100. Allen's post-Idol self-titled album was released on November 17, 2009, through Jive Records. The album debuted at #11 on the U.S. Billboard 200 shifting over 80,000 copies. The album's lead single, "Live Like We're Dying", was released on September 21, 2009, and has so far peaked at #21 in the U.S.

Kou Shibasaki 柴崎幸
柴咲 幸,1981年8月5日出生於東京,原名山村幸恵,血型B型。日本女演員、歌手,Stardust Promotion旗下藝人,唱片公司為日本環球音樂。「咲」屬古漢字,音與意均同「笑」,惟日文中亦有花開綻放之意;而姓氏「柴咲」與「柴崎」的日文發音相同,因此台灣官方代理公司(台灣環球音樂)譯為柴崎幸。兩者屬不同宗姓,早期更有譯為柴吹香之誤。柴咲幸於日本具有高知名度,被視為電影、電視、演唱三棲的全方位女星,同時也為自己的歌曲作詞。柴咲幸14歲時被星探發掘入行,隨即參與不少電視節目和廣告的演出。2000年正式進軍大銀幕,其中《大逃殺》一片精彩演出,一舉成名。遠至東南亞洲甚至美國都不乏支持者。後來在《大暴走 Go!》一片也備受矚目,在影壇奠定地位。
KOTOKO,為日本I've公司歌唱組合的主要歌手之一,並在多數的歌曲中擔任主唱。她所演唱的主要是動畫以及電腦遊戲(大多是美少女遊戲,含十八禁遊戲)的主題曲。她的歌曲內大多由她自己作曲及作詞,同時她也會為I've旗下的歌手的樂曲作詞。包含以其他名義在內,擔任了超過150首歌曲的主唱。她的主要作品因為她的獨特聲線及風格,她本身因而被視為電波歌曲的代表之一。2000年7月28日時為PC十八禁遊戲「Pure Heart ~世界で一番アナタが好き~」的同名主題曲作詞而出道,同年12月1日以歌手身份出道,為PC十八禁遊戲「effect ~悪魔の仔~」的主題曲「Close to me...」演唱(實際上是先以I've的其中一個名為Outer的組合(unit)名義出道,為2000年9月30日所發表的PC十八禁遊戲「発情カルテ ~緋色の凌辱肉玩具~」的主題曲「Synthetic Organism」作演唱)。2002年1月為電視動畫《拜托了老師》(おねがい☆ティーチャー)演唱主題曲「Shooting Star」。這是她初次為電視動畫主唱主題曲。翌年7月、與佐藤裕美共組團體,演唱電視動畫《拜托了雙子星》(おねがい☆ツインズ)的主題曲「Second Flight」,這首單曲在Oricon中獲得了初登場15名的記錄。2007年在台灣歌迷的連署下,於2007年6月24日在台灣台北舉辦演唱會。

Kolor是香港一支流行樂隊,於2005年組成。2007年7月首度推出同名專輯《Color》。更於同年年尾奪得叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮新力軍組合銅獎。Kolor樂隊的名字取自英文Color,即是「色彩」的意思。當中的"K"是代表樂隊的經理人-黃家強。Kolor由臨記、Tat Flip及Nothing None前成員組合而成。他們開始時都玩搖滾和Nu Metal為多。
Koda Misono 神田美苑
Koda Misono 神田美苑是倖田來未的妹妹。(Koda Kumi 倖田來未是日本歷年來唯一走性感路線翻紅成天后級的女歌手,也是日本樂壇作風最大膽的女歌手。性感的啟示,開起了『倖感狂潮』,而亞洲樂壇許多女歌手也紛紛走入性感的路線,而「日本天后」、「性感女神」、「性感歌姬」成了倖田來未的代名詞。)
Kimberly Caldwell
Kimberly Ann Caldwell (born February 25, 1982) is an American singer-songwriter, actress, and television hostess, from Katy, Texas who was the seventh place finalist on the second season of American Idol. She currently works as an entertainment correspondent and hosts various shows on the TV Guide Network. Her debut album Without Regret will be released in April 6, 2010 through Vanguard Records.
Kim Jeong Hoon
金楨勳(諺文:김정훈,英文:Kim Jeong Hoon,1980年1月20日-),另外,在日本則稱作John-Hoon,韓國慶尚南道晉州人、男演員。曾就讀首爾大學牙醫學系,後因為演藝事業緣故,向首爾大學申請退學,轉而就讀中央大學演劇學系第45期(2005年初)。
2000年出道時,他是韓國組合UN(United N-Generation)成員,直至2005年組合解散。2006年初出演韓劇《宮》二號男主角王子李律一角,風靡東亞,被稱為「溫柔王子」。此外,他還出演過韓國SBS電視台的週末反轉劇《飼養宗孫》。
2006年在日本出道,並推行首張Mini album 《5 Stella Lights》,並在2006年即舉辦在日本的第一場個人演唱會。隔年隨即在日本舉行5場巡迴演唱會皆大受好評。
2000年出道時,他是韓國組合UN(United N-Generation)成員,直至2005年組合解散。2006年初出演韓劇《宮》二號男主角王子李律一角,風靡東亞,被稱為「溫柔王子」。此外,他還出演過韓國SBS電視台的週末反轉劇《飼養宗孫》。
2006年在日本出道,並推行首張Mini album 《5 Stella Lights》,並在2006年即舉辦在日本的第一場個人演唱會。隔年隨即在日本舉行5場巡迴演唱會皆大受好評。
Kenny Loggins
Kenneth Clark "Kenny" Loggins (born January 7, 1948) is an American singer and songwriter best known for a number of soft rock and adult contemporary hit singles beginning in the 1970s. Originally a part of the duo Loggins and Messina, he has also recorded as a solo artist and written hit songs for other artists.
Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Brianne Clarkson (born April 24, 1982) is an American singer-songwriter and occasional actress. Clarkson made her debut under RCA Records after she won the first season of the television series American Idol in 2002.
Clarkson has released four albums to date: her double-platinum debut album Thankful (2003), her multi-platinum second album Breakaway (2004) - won two Grammy Awards, My December (2007), and her latest album All I Ever Wanted (2009). Her first four albums have sold over 10.4 million copies in the United States.
Eleven of Clarkson's singles became Top Twenty hits on the Billboard Hot 100. Her single, "My Life Would Suck Without You", advanced from No. 97 to No. 1 on the Hot 100 in its first week of release, breaking the record for the largest leap to the top position in chart history.
In addition to her music, Clarkson had the lead role in the movie From Justin to Kelly (2003) along with Justin Guarini. She played Brenda Lee in the television drama American Dreams and appeared in the sitcom Reba. She also participated in sketch comedy on MADtv (2002) and Saturday Night Live (2005).
Clarkson has toured extensively worldwide as a solo act. After Clarkson's appearance on the CMT Crossroads and her duet version of "Because of You" (2007) with Reba McEntire, they co-headlined the 2 Worlds 2 Voices Tour (2008).
Clarkson held the distinction of having the highest-selling American Idol album in the United States until November 2009, when Carrie Underwood claimed that title by a narrow margin of 100,000 albums. Clarkson, however, remains the highest-selling American Idol alum overall, with around 23 million albums sold worldwide.

Kato emiri 加藤英美里
加藤英美里(1983年11月26日-)是日本女性聲優。東京都福生市出身。81 Produce事務所所屬。血型B型。與同事務所的三宅華也並稱女性配音員的潛力股。2008年獲得聲優獎女優部門新人賞和歌唱賞。2008年12月17日發表第一片個人專輯「vivid」。
Katharine McPhee
Katharine Hope McPhee (born March 25, 1984) is an American pop singer, songwriter, actress, model, and television personality. She gained fame as a contestant on the fifth season of the Fox reality show American Idol in 2006, eventually finishing as the runner-up.
Her self-titled debut album was released on RCA Records on January 30, 2007 and debuted at #2 on the Billboard 200; it has sold 378,000 copies to date. The album's first single, "Over It", was a Pop Top 30 hit and was certified Gold in 2008. She also established an acting career, most notably co-starring in The House Bunny in 2008.
Her sophomore album, Unbroken was released on Verve Forecast Records on January 5, 2010 and debuted at #27 on the Billboard 200.
Kate Perry
Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson (born October 25, 1984), better known by her stage name Katy Perry, is an American singer-songwriter and musician. Perry rose to fame in 2007 with her internet hit "Ur So Gay", and later scored in 2008 her breakthrough single "I Kissed a Girl".
Perry was born and raised in Santa Barbara, California by Christian pastor parents and grew up listening only to gospel music. After earning a GED during her freshman year of high school, she began to pursue a music career.
As Katy Hudson, she released a self-titled gospel album in 2001. In 2004, she recorded an album with production team The Matrix, but it was never released. After signing on with Capitol Music Group in 2007, she took on stage name Katy Perry and released her first mainstream album, One of the Boys.

Karyn White
Karyn White (born Karyn Layvonne White on October 14, 1965) is a Pop/R&B singer who became popular during the late 1980s.
Kara(朝鮮語:카라)是韓國DSP Media在2007年推出的五人女子組合, 現成員包括奎利、勝妍、妮可、荷拉及智英,原為四人組合,於2007年以歌曲《Break It》出道,後來原隊員成熙因學業退出。荷拉及智英在其後加入。

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